ESMT at the “Innovationsmässan 2022”
Recently East Sweden Medtech, together with Region Östergötlands unit for innovation, Test och Innovation, arranged an innovation exibition that attracted a large number of visitors. During the day it was possible to listen to around 25 interesting speaches i Speakers Corner as a part of the innovation exibition. There was a wide range of subjects covering from for example productionplanning in maternal health care, e-health solutions for compliance to rehabilitation, selfmonitoring and usage of drones for intensive care.
Among the exhibitors you could meet interesting companies where for instance BioReperia presentet methods for analysing cancer diagnostics, Biovisor Medical AB demostrated their digital otoskop and Printed Electronics Arena showed examples on how printed electronics can be used in healt care application.
During the whole day there were collaboration meetings and new contacts made that made the day a creative collaboration forum where helthcare, academia and businesses could meet.