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Needs are a crucial starting point for all innovation. East Sweden Medtech has a strong focus on the needs of health and medical care when we seek new solutions to future challenges.

A large part of East Sweden Medtech’s work involves listening, mapping, and identifying the needs of health and medical care. When we know these needs, we can also match them with solutions, innovations, and research.

The needs of healthcare are our primary focus, and we aim to alleviate the operations by helping to identify and clarify needs. Through our skilled employees with clinical experience, we meet healthcare on your terms. We hold individual meetings, meet with clinical management, or in any preferred way where there is a need.

We work with needs-driven innovation based on a clear working model::

1) Discussion with clinicians: We help to identify and communicate needs that can strengthen the operations.
2) Analysis of the need – needs cards: We have contact with universities, industry, and patient associations to discuss potential solutions.
3) Roundtable discussion: We connect needs with solutions, often involving the entire quadruple helix.
4) Summary and next steps:
• Proceed or terminate?
• Match with universities and/or industry.
• How can the solution be implemented?

Since we work closely with health and medical care, we have a deep understanding of the operations, which we can disseminate to researchers and entrepreneurs. Our many points of contact provide a helicopter perspective that allows us to connect different clinical operations with similar needs.

Do you have a need?

Have you identified a need in your operations, or would you like our support in articulating your needs? Or do you want us to come out and present ourselves to your operations?