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Sometimes technical solutions need to find their way to the needs of healthcare. Sometimes existing technology can be the answer to a need that wasn’t known before. East Sweden Medtech is the network of innovators for healthcare.

Healthcare needs require innovative solutions and new technology. With a broad network and deep knowledge of healthcare operations, East Sweden Medtech is a natural entry point for companies with future solutions. We are always attentive to innovative technology, while also exploring existing technology that can be used in new ways.

We act as a support for entrepreneurs and innovators who contact us with solutions and questions. Part of our work is to identify and challenge bottlenecks in the innovation process, thereby contributing to more innovations in healthcare.

We have a clear working model to match solutions with needs:

  1. Companies contact East Sweden Medtech.
  2. East Sweden Medtech identifies the need to be addressed, the company fills out a form describing the healthcare need they intend to solve, their solution, and the benefits that can be created.
  3. East Sweden Medtech investigates whether the new innovation can be linked to a need in healthcare.
  4. If there is no need, the company receives valuable knowledge and can change its direction or proceed with its inquiry to another party.
  5. If there is a need, the company is invited to an activity, such as an individual meeting, a roundtable discussion, or a webinar.

Do you have an idea?

East Sweden Medtech’s vision is to be a hub that can guide companies correctly in healthcare. We want to take part in new ideas that can benefit healthcare. Are you an entrepreneur with an idea or a product?